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Leticia Roncero ADMIN January 23, 2020
We've now closed the Group Pool to submissions. Thanks to everyone for participating! And the winners of Your Best Shot 2019 are...

Group Description


Your Best Shot 2019 is here! We’re accepting submissions between December 2, 2019 and January 6, 2020. You can only submit one SAFE photo that was uploaded to Flickr in 2019, so take your time to find your favorite shot. Five awesome winners, chosen by Flickr staff, will each receive a US $200 Blurb gift card. The Group is open to all Flickr members.

Throughout December, we’ll curate your submissions and share themed Flickr galleries. Our favorites from each gallery will be featured on the Flickr blog and social-media channels through early 2020. We encourage you to join the group, curate your own galleries, and celebrate the best of 2019 with the Flickr community.

To easily view your photos from the year, use your Camera Roll and sort by date uploaded. You’ll see a date slider on the left side with your photos sorted by months of the year.

Please note:
– We will remove screenshots, illustrations, or video that is a slideshow of still images contributed to the pool. We only want your one best shot.
– Discussion topics beyond the scope of "best shot" may be closed or removed at the admin's discretion, as there are other places on Flickr to get help or share feedback.

IMPORTANT: We’ve got prizes this year! Five winners will each be gifted a $200 Blurb gift card. Want to participate in the contest? Read the terms and conditions here. If you have questions about how to participate, please visit the YBS 2019 Contest FAQs.


Por fin llegó, lo que has esperado todo el año: ¡Tu Mejor Foto del 2019! Aceptaremos solicitudes desde el 2 de diciembre del 2019 hasta el 6 de enero del 2020. Recuerda que puedes presentar solo una foto cargada en el 2019, así que tómate tu tiempo y encuentra tu favorita. Cinco geniales ganadores, elegidos por Flickr, recibirán una tarjeta regalo de Blurb por valor de US $200.

Durante el mes de diciembre, organizaremos tus envíos y compartiremos galerías temáticas. Se destacarán las mejores fotos de cada galería en el blog y redes sociales de Flickr iniciando el 2020, brindándote una gran visibilidad. ¡Asegúrate de leer las reglas del grupo!

Para ver fácilmente tus fotos del año, usa tu Carrete y organízalo por fecha de subida. Verás un deslizador de fecha a la izquierda con tus fotos ordenadas por mes.

- Eliminaremos capturas de pantalla, ilustraciones, o videos de diapositivas contribuidas al conjunto. Solo queremos tu mejor imagen.

- Temas de conversación que no tengan que ver con “mejor foto” pueden ser cerrados o removidos a discreción del administrador, ya que hay otros lugares en Flickr para buscar ayuda o comentar.

IMPORTANTE: ¡Este año tenemos premios! Cinco ganadores recibirán una tarjeta regalo de Blurb por valor de $200. ¿Quieres participar en el concurso? Lee los términos y condiciones. Si tienes preguntas sobre cómo participar, visita la sección de Preguntas Frecuentes del Concurso Tu Mejor Foto del 2019.


Endlich ist es soweit. Du hast schon das ganze Jahr darauf gewartet: „Dein bestes Bild 2019“! Zwischen dem 2. Dezember 2019 und dem 6. Januar 2019 werden Einsendungen akzeptiert. Beachte, dass du nur ein Foto einreichen darfst, das 2019 hochgeladen wurde. Nimm dir genügend Zeit, dein Lieblingsfoto zu finden. Fünf tolle Gewinner, die von den Flickr-Mitarbeitern ausgewählt wurden, erhalten eine $200 Blurb gift card.

Den ganzen Dezember über werden wir deine Beiträge bearbeiten und Themen-Galerien präsentieren. Unsere Favoriten aus jeder Galerie werden bis Anfang 2020 im Flickr-Blog und in den Social-Media-Kanälen zu sehen sein, was dir eine große Aufmerksamkeit verschafft. Bitte lies dir die Gruppenregeln durch!

Um deine Fotos aus diesem Jahr einfach anzuzeigen, sortiere Sie in deinen Aufnahmen nach Upload-Datum. Auf der linken Seite siehst du einen Datumsschieber mit deinen Fotos, sortiert nach Monaten des Jahres.

Bitte beachte Folgendes:
- Wir werden Screenshots, Abbildungen oder Videos entfernen, die eine Diashow aus zum Pool beigesteuerten Standbildern sind. Wir möchten nur dein bestes Bild.
- Diskussionsthemen, die über den Rahmen von „Beste Aufnahme“ hinausgehen, können nach Ermessen des Administrators geschlossen oder entfernt werden, da es andere Orte auf Flickr gibt, um Hilfe zu erhalten oder Feedback abzugeben.


Vous l’avez attendu toute l’année... Le voici enfin ! Le concours de la meilleure photo 2019 ! Nous acceptons les candidatures entre le 2 décembre 2019 et le 6 janvier 2020. Veuillez noter que vous ne pouvez soumettre qu’une photo importée en 2019. Prenez donc bien votre temps pour trouver votre cliché favori. Le personnel Flickr choisira cinq gagnants qui recevront une carte-cadeau de 200 $ de Blurb Photo Books.

Pendant tout le mois de décembre, nous sélectionnerons vos photos et les présenterons dans des galeries thématiques. Les clichés que nous préférons dans chaque galerie seront diffusés sur le blog Flickr et sur les réseaux sociaux jusqu’au début de 2020, ce qui vous donnera une grande visibilité. N’oubliez pas de lire les règles du groupe !

Pour visualiser facilement vos photos de l’année, affichez le contenu de Pellicule et triez les clichés par date d’importation. Le curseur de date qui se trouve à gauche permet de trier les photos en fonction des mois de l’année.

– Nous éliminerons des soumissions toutes les captures d’écran, illustrations ou vidéos composées d’un diaporama de photos. La seule chose que nous voulons, c’est votre meilleur cliché.
– Les sujets de discussion ne concernant pas le concours de la meilleure photo pourront être clôturés ou supprimés à la discrétion de l’administrateur, car vous disposez sur Flickr d’autres emplacements pour obtenir de l’aide ou nous faire part de vos commentaires.


Ci siamo. Torna il contest che aspettavate da un anno: Miglior scatto 2019! Accettiamo le foto inviate tra il 2 dicembre 2019 e il 6 gennaio 2020. Tieni presente che puoi inviare una sola foto che è stata caricata nel 2019. Pertanto, scegli attentamente il tuo scatto preferito. I cinque vincitori, scelti dallo staff di Flickr, riceveranno in omaggio una carta regalo da $ 200 da Blurb Photo Books.

Durante il mese di dicembre, prenderemo visione delle foto inviate e condivideremo gallerie tematiche. I nostri scatti preferiti di ogni galleria verranno messi in primo piano sul blog di Flickr e sui canali di social media fino ai primi mesi del 2020, il che ti darà una grande visibilità. Assicurati prima di leggere le regole del gruppo!

Per visualizzare facilmente le tue foto dell'anno, utilizza il Rullino e ordina per data di caricamento. Vedrai un cursore temporale a sinistra con le tue foto ordinate per mese dell’anno.

Tieni presente che:
- Rimuoveremo screenshot, illustrazioni o video che comprendono uno slideshow di immagini inviate al pool. Vogliamo solo i tuoi scatti migliori.
- Gli argomenti di discussione non pertinenti al contest possono essere chiusi o rimossi a discrezione dell'amministratore, dato che su Flickr sono disponibili altre sezioni in cui ricevere assistenza o condividere commenti.


Anunciamos o concurso mais esperado do ano: Sua melhor foto de 2019! As inscrições estão abertas de 2 de dezembro de 2019 a 6 de janeiro de 2020. Você só pode participar com uma foto que tenha sido carregada em 2019, então reserve um tempinho para escolher sua favorita! Apenas cinco sortudos serão escolhidos pela equipe do Flickr e receberão um vale-presente de US $ 200 da Blurb Photo Books.

Durante todo o mês de dezembro, organizaremos as fotos enviadas para o concurso e compartilharemos galerias temáticas. As melhores fotos de cada galeria serão apresentadas no blog e nos canais de mídia social do Flickr até o início de 2020, proporcionando uma excelente exposição. Não deixe de ler as regras do grupo!

Para visualizar facilmente suas fotos do ano, use o Rolo da câmera e classifique por data de envio. Você verá um controle deslizante de data no lado esquerdo com suas fotos classificadas por meses do ano.

– Removeremos capturas de tela, ilustrações ou vídeos que são uma apresentação de slides de imagens estáticas. Só queremos sua melhor foto.
– Tópicos de discussão além do escopo de "melhor foto" podem ser encerrados ou removidos a critério do administrador, pois há outros lugares no Flickr para obter ajuda ou compartilhar feedback.

Group Rules

Please read and agree to these Group Rules before submitting your photos to the“Your Best Shot 2019” group (“Group”) hosted on the Flickr service (“Flickr”).

1. Flickr and this Group are run by Flickr, Inc. (“Flickr”) and its parent company (SmugMug, Inc.), subsidiaries and affiliates (“SmugMug”) and by joining this Group you agree to these terms and conditions, which will at that time and thereafter be binding between you and Flickr.

2. Photo(s) that you submit to the Group are referred to as “Content.” You retain ownership to any Content you submit to the Group and you grant Flickr a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license (but not the obligation), with the right to use, distribute, publish, publicly perform and publicly display such Content (in whole or in part) in connection with: (a) promotion of the Group via Flickr owned media properties and third party social media platforms; and (b) advertising and promotional activity for Flickr Services (in all mediums and any media now known or hereafter developed,) including but not limited to, social media efforts (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram), blog posts, Flickr galleries via links to social media efforts, email communications, and PR efforts (press affiliates via broadcast and digital). “Flickr Services” is defined as the collection of resources and offerings made available by Flickr, including without limitation various apps, products, communications tools, forums, and retail services.

3. To the extent Flickr uses your Content on Flickr Services, and, to the extent feasible, Flickr will include an attribution crediting you with a link to your photo on Flickr. The attribution will refer to your Flickr screen name. We love giving photographers credit and exposure for their work.

4. By adding this Content to the Group, you represent and warrant to Flickr that: (a) you are at least 18 years old; (b) your Content is an original work by you; (c) your photos are free from any third party rights; and (d) you have the full right and authority to grant the rights herein granted in all media throughout the universe and that no one else's permission is required.

5. Content that breaches or violates Flickr Terms & Conditions of Use or Community Guidelines will be removed. Further, if the Group administrator deems your submission unacceptable, your Content will be removed from the Group.

6. Valid entry to the Group is dependent on registration and maintenance of an active Flickr account.

7. Flickr is not obligated to use or display the Content submitted by members of the Group in connection with Flickr Services. Flickr shall not be liable for any entrant’s loss of publicity or enhancement of reputation. Moreover, Flickr reserves the right to cancel the Group at any point in time.

8. If you ever decide you no longer want to participate, you can remove your Content from the Group and your Content will no longer be shown on Flickr, provided, however, Flickr may continue to use any Content it is already using pursuant to the license granted under Section 2. If you wish to remove the Content and Flickr is making use of such Content, Flickr will make an effort to comply with your request to remove the Content on a case-by-case basis. Should you have any questions about how to remove your Content from the Group, please contact one of the Group administrators.

9. This agreement shall, for all purposes, be governed by and interpreted and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of California, without regard to its conflict of laws provisions. You agree to and will hereby submit to the personal and exclusive jurisdiction of the State and federal courts located within the county of Santa Clara, California.

10. Flickr may update these rules from time to time. Such updates will be announced in the Group's admin blast section. All changes are effective upon posting on this page.

11. By submitting your Content to the Group you are deemed to have accepted these Group Rules.

Additional Info

  • This group doesn’t care how many other groups a photo is in
  • Accepted media types: Photos, Videos
  • Accepted content types: Photos, Screenshots
  • Accepted safety levels: Safe