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Thank you so much for your kind comments and visits dear friends... :)


With love

Geetha :)

Dedicated to Xandra on her Birthday! Happy Birthday Xandra!

Wild flowers growing in abundance in the fields in Cyprus

Es el cumple de Montse. Los cumples son días de tarta y de velas. Una habría de ponerse, pues sólo se cumple un año más y, con el tiempo, resulta un tanto fatigoso el apagarlas.


Como no tenía una vela ha mano, te he puesto lo que podríamos llamar la metáfora floral de una vela (un Anturio). Que disfrutes de un bonito día.



It started out as a quiet drive around the district and off we went until we got as far as Theresa Park.


That was when I saw these very well established trees with what seemed to me to be unusual flowers.


Not being a botanist I have no idea as to what they are but for some reason they did remind of trees that grow in the Southern states of America.


No matter their origin they are a beautiful flower.


Theresa Park, New South Wales, Australia.
























Spring flower.


Tamron 90mm macro bokeh


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Floralia Brussels.

Dear flickr friends i will be offline for one or two weeks, greetings and nice weekend jean ost.

"Weekly Themes" "Letter of the Day" "F for Friday"

7DWF Fridays : Flora

Freitagsblümchen - friday flora


Flowers and buds of the succulent, Echeveria sp. Taken some time ago.


Thanks for visiting. I am very grateful for the kind comments and faves.

I believe this is a cultivated form of scabious. I am not sure which variety. In the gardens at Loseley Park.


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