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Vas'ka eats a lot, but he is still young and active so he doesn't look fat. H looks like a big cat only because of his long coat.
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The American robin is the largest thrush in North America. Males are not only more vocal than females, but also slightly larger and more brightly coloured.
The bright backdrop of a cafe in the UniSA foyer, seen through the black metal security screen pulled around the counter perimeter, like a porous see through shower curtain.
Corn, tofu & black bean enchiladas served with corn bread and jalapeno jelly. **LOL - This photo apparently made it into Explore. Ok. =DDD
Sezione trasversale di un Abelmoschus esculentus, comunemente chiamato Gombo o Okra.
Il gombo è commestibile, assomiglia a una zucchina.
E' una specie appartenente alle Malvacee ed affine alla specie Abelmoschus moschatus e agli ibischi. È una pianta originaria dell'Africa tropicale e coltivata nei paesi caldi, in particolare in Asia (specialmente centrale e occidentale) e in Asia Minore.
La radice del gombo è ricca di mucillagini ed è usata come emolliente. I fusti del gombo e di molte malvacee sono macerati e lavorati per fornire una fibra tessile nota come fibra di gombo.
After following a Marbled Godwit (Limosa fedoa) around while s/he dug in the sand, this Black Turnstone (Arenaria melanocephala) would try to pull food from its bill; Estero Bluffs; SLO County; CA; USA
This fair has a history.
It happens twice a year.
It started as a hiring fair in the reign of Edward lll (circa 1351) and the need to regulate manpower, matching workers with employers, after the Black Death greatly reduced the population of England.
Today it is a funfair that is held in the High Street for all the family to enjoy.
刀削面(dao xiao mian)
It should be called like that, but it is different from traditional chinese sliced noodles. The traditional one has soup, but this one mixed with special soy sauce. The soy sauce with "secret formula"... I can taste of dried scallop... yum one!!
Kidney BEANS & small white BEANS
Soon to be soaked as I will make some sort of soup with all the fresh veggies that are around us right now.