View allAll Photos Tagged green

Eric Goncalves ©2016, All Rights Reserved


Broccolini for Macro Monday - Vegetables. HMM!

Aurora at Jökulsárlón glacier lagoon

A fern unfolds


McKee Botanical Garden

The vegetation along the shoreline of the lake varied a great deal. In this one section of the backwaters of Kerala, I found this magical display of hanging vines which ended up symbolizing to me the wonderful mood of the backwaters!

Finally, I've uploaded all my favorite Barcelona pictures, but I've still some second favorites. Probably I'll upload them sometimes, but since I don't want you to get bored I thought that I could share some other ones first.


I took this picture with my "new" Cyclop 85mm f/1.5 which is the reason for the beautiful swirl bokeh. The only thing I don't like about it is the lower right corner which is a little too dark for my taste, but I didn't want to crop since I would then also lose some parts of the bokeh. Anyway, I hope you like it!

Green Heron making sure he will 'look marvelous'.


Photowalk - Daybreak - South Jordan, Utah


ODC - Your photography style

These amazing small herons are typically solitary and quite secretive birds and often fish from low hanging branches. Apparently some Green Herons have learned to fish with bait such as dropping insects onto the water to attract their prey - now that's a sight I would love to see.


Taken at Circle B Bar Reserve, Florida.


Thank you so much for stopping by and for leaving any comments or faves, they are very much appreciated.

wie eine sanfte Dünung rollen die Wellen bis zum Hoizont... durchatmen, den Wind im Gesicht spüren, entspannen...

My coneflowers getting close to blooming. Right now I'm enjoy this green look to them.

The yellow background are my yellow lilies blooming.

rekreacija za dusu i spokoj za oci,a moze i obrnuto


recreation for the soul and tranquility for fathers , but can and vice versa

© *kevin@eyes* Photography. All Rights Reserved.


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View On Black

7DWF Wednesday: Macro / Close up


Right now there are still people suffering from the flood brought by the terrible hurricane in Texas, including some of my friends. While in Taiwan, we're expecting the highest temperature up to 36℃ today! Hope everyone of you enjoy pleasant weather today! Wish you a wonderful day!



The music link today is The Script's Rain, acoustic version. The Script have the album cover photographed by one of our Flick friends, Cheryl Chan!! So excited for her! Keep up the awesome work, Cheryl! 💖

今天的歌曲是搖滾團體The Script 的歌,令人歡欣鼓舞的是他們買下Flickr好友 Cheryl Chan 三個月前上載的作品Summer Rain,真為她高興! 💖


The Script - Rain

Holly Blue (Celastrina argiolus)

For personal display only !

All other uses, including copying or reproduction of this photograph or its image, in whole or in part, or storage of the image in any medium are expressly forbidden.

Written permission for use of this photograph must be obtained from the copyright holder !

Green Sandpiper - Tringa Ochropus


It breeds across subarctic Europe and Asia and is a migratory bird, wintering in southern Europe, the Indian Subcontinent, Southeast Asia, and tropical Africa. Food is small invertebrate items picked off the mud as this species works steadily around the edges of its chosen pond.


This is not a gregarious species, although sometimes small numbers congregate in suitable feeding areas. Green sandpiper is very much a bird of freshwater, and is often found in sites too restricted for other waders, which tend to like a clear all-round view.


It lays 2–4 eggs in an old tree nest of another species, such as a fieldfare (Turdus pilaris). The clutch takes about three weeks to hatch.


The green sandpiper is one of the species to which the Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds (AEWA) applies. Widely distributed and not uncommon, it is not considered a threatened species by the IUCN on a global scale.


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