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Canon TX film camera with Kodak UltraMax 400 film. Digitally scanned with Nikon D5300 and Nikkor lens and converted with Negative Lab Pro.
Lemaire Channel is a strait between the Kyiv Peninsula of the Antarctic Peninsula and Booth Island (right). Due to its popularity among tourists it has been nicknamed "Kodak Gap".
Got this from my daughter!
Kodak 620 with 100mm f4.5 Anastigmat/Angenieux lens
Olympus OM-D E-M10 MKII, M.Zuiko 14-42mm f3.5-5.6 EZ
Yesterday I serviced a 1966 Kodak Signet 35 rangefinder camera and took it out for a test to verify focus, etc.
This photo was made on Astrum MZ3 film, which is basically some kind of Ortho Copy Film, repackaged. It has an effective speed of 3 ASA (no, that's not a typo!), so a tripod is pretty much mandatory.
For this test, I developed the film in FA-1027 at 1:14 for 5.5 minutes and got a very nice negative: punchy, but not blocked up. This frame was exposed for 100 seconds at f16.
This is supposedly a Tessar design lens, so its not surprising that its sharp at the smaller apertures. (Its not great at apertures below f5.6 &1/2 in my experience) So if you encounter a Signet 35 somewhere, don't scoff at it! That lens is mighty sharp when used with care and forethought! Click on the image and see it full size - remember; this is a 35mm negative!
Anyway, if you're looking for a fun, easy to use, "pocktable" 35mm rangefinder, the Signet 35 is well worth giving a go. I'll be selling this one if anyone if interested. Email me to inquire: bardenphotographics@gmail "dot" com
Macro Mondays Weekly Challenge
Theme: " Brand and Logos"
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Here is one from another of my Kodak Retinette fleet. This is a 1B and you'll never guess... yep, it even has a light meter. It isn't automated in anyway of course, just change settings until the needle is on the middle. 1Bs are quite common and seem to wear quite well.. this particular example really does belie its age. Looks almost like it was produced last year.
Kodak has always been one of my favorite films, so when my wife found this 1:64 scale diecast car from 1998 still new in a thrift store for a few dollars I had to get it.
Bobby Hamilton car #4
Under The Lights
Waiting for the jousting at the Sonora Celtic Faire.
HCS: cute kid, pretty smiles and pigtails, monochrome, camera, square
Kodak Ektachrome 64T (5018 EPY)
Abgelaufener E6-Film zum C41-Negativfilm
Expired ca. 1999
M6, Summilux 50
No.2 Flash Sheets Année 1880s. Contrast viewing. Outdor Filter. Special lubricating oil. Retouching fluid Kodablitz. Outdoor Filter
Taken with Canon FL 55mm f/1.2
The bokeh of this lens is sweet. It is very hard to focus on DSLR but easy on mirrorless cameras. Would I recommend this lens? Only if you will spot one somewhere on garage sale or flea market for up to $50