View allAll Photos Tagged sunset

Macro view of sunset in a ice-droplet. My camera surprised me again ;-)) Just straight out of my camera.


Enjoy your Sunday!

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Regards, Bram (BraCom)


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Tuesday was the warmest day of the year for us so far, so I decided to take a stroll up our local hills at sunset to see what I could find. I was not the only one and I found these 2 young ladies enjoying the moment too.

The sun dramatically sets on the Gulf of Mexico, somewhere off the shore of Galveston, Texas.

Sun setting over the Isle of Ischia, Italy. (1) #888

In remembrance of the start of the Battle of the Somme, which started on July 1st 1916 and on that day alone 57,470 British soldiers were injured and 19,240 lost their lives and to this day is the bloodiest day in the history of the British army.


Olsztyn, Jura Krakowsko-Częstochowska

Ocean City, Maryland.... SUNSET

#OCSunset #OCVacation

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♥ Thank you very much for your visits, faves, and kind comments ♥

Sunset at the Temple of Poseidon

7DOS Single colour Colourful Thursday, a red sunset ;o) Funny how we think the day begins at sunrise, but some believe the day starts at sunset, new beginnings are just how you see it.

Dopo molto tempo sono ritornato ad utilizzare il mio fidato treppiede compagno di mille avventure.

Quale migliore location per fare qualche scatto se non andare a Camogli una delle più belle e suggestive località liguri incastonata tra il mare e i monti ed in mezzo le tipiche case liguri con i loro caldi colori tipici di questa terra regalando uno scenario da mozzafiato agli occhi del visitatore abituale e non. Per questo scatto ho utilizzato un tempo lento ma non troppo in modo da esaltare le scie setose del mare mentre si ritira dalla battigia. Mi piace in particolare la tonalità fredda che circonda l'unico punto rosso del tramonto che fuoriesce dalle formazioni di nuvole.

Góra Zborów, Jura Krakowsko-Częstochowska

Taken from the car this evening, we witnessed a gorgeous sunset on the way from from Tahoe...

A beautiful sunset over the warm waters of Phewa Lake, Pokhara.


I appreciate your feedback and comments! If you wish to contact me for any reason feel free to send me a Flickr mail or message me on any other social media and I'll reply as soon as I can.


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Den Bosch, The Netherlands

looking the sky , i thought my drive shall be unsuccessful ,

but arrived in Chambord , the atmosphere was pure ,

clear, the light smooth , and the clouds heavy but lightful-

it was like a painting- No post treatment -

Thanks to photography, I can live over again, those magic moments in my life.

Atardecer en la Ibérica de Zaragoza

Riada en el Parque del Agua


( Z型蚵架 Oyster Farm,攝於台南七股 ) 


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