View allAll Photos Tagged white

We are enjoying the Lilac time, smelling the parfume all around us.


Thank you all for your very encouraging comment, it´s always much appreciated!!


Brushes, texture: my own, Filter: Topaz.

Taken the day before the snow came back....


Thanks to everyone who takes the time to view, comment, and fave my photo.


Northern Drakensberg


Limpopo Province

South Africa

Not feeling 100% this week, so concentrated on some indoor shots

Sepia version.

Water Window NGV.


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Beautiful white flowers of the Mariesii Viburnum Hedge shrub.


Thanks for your visit and comments, much appreciated!

I positioned this bright white Clematis to cheer up a dark corner in the garden. It has turned out to be quite stunning !

"There are trips that are made with a single piece of luggage, the heart."

Audrey Hepburn


Still Corners - White Sands


I have to thank you from the heart really all for the many visits to my previous photos. These are hard times for everyone, I'm playing with my old photos, mixing and superimposing textures, trying to create what I can see with memories of different atmospheres.

This road is still in the snow, but I imagine that there, somewhere, there is a beautiful sun and white sand. Hence the title, also inspired by the song....


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White Daisy Flower.

thank you for telling me how to texturize :)


thanks to Skeletal mess for the texture


Don't use this image on websites or other media

without my explicit permission. © All rights reserved.

♥ Thank you very much for your visits, faves, and kind comments ♥

Taken Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary, Naples, Florida

At Wingham Wildlife Park

But it's just sand, Baltic Sea sand. The announced snowstorm has spared Berlin, and all that we have at the moment is a strong wind from the east and a light snow dance. When I flipped through my photo back catalogue, I stumbled upon the "Usedom 2013" folder and realised that the images I'd taken during a short trip to the Baltic Sea island Usedom back in 2013 weren't that bad at all... Usedom, a beautiful place with long beaches, impressive high coasts, and famous sea spas, is also humorously referred to as "the Berliners' bathing tub", because the Baltic Sea (and its islands) is only a few hours (by regional train) away from Berlin and has therefore always been a favourite holiday amd excursion destination.


The images were taken with my very first MFT camera, the tiny Pen E-PL3. Back then, I'd been shooting JPG only, and I thought that this nice- but also a little dull-looking image (it had been overcast most of the days we'd spent there) would benefit from some extra sliding :) HSS, everyone, stay safe and warm :)


Weiß wie Schnee


Aber es ist natürlich bloß Sand, Ostseesand, während der für dieses Wochenende angekündigte Schneesturm kurzerhand beschlossen hat, einen Bogen um Berlin zu machen. Beim Durchstöbern meines Fotoarchivs bin ich auf den Ordner "Usedom 2013" gestoßen und habe festgestellt, dass die Fotos von diesem Kurztrip auf die schöne Ostseeinsel vor fast acht Jahren gar nicht so schlecht sind wie gedacht. Usedom wird ja scherzhaft auch als "Berliner Badewanne" bezeichnet, weil die Ostsee inklusive ihrer Inseln selbst mit der lahmen Regionalbahn schnell zu erreichen ist; auch wenn wir uns damals, in der Woche vor Pfingsten, mit diversen Jugendgruppen in den üblichen drei Wagen quasi stapeln durften, denn warum sollte man auch einen zusätzlichen Wagen anhängen, auch wenn mehr Fahrkarten als üblich verkauft werden. DB-Logik...


Aufgenommen mit meiner ersten MFT-Kamera, der winzigen Pen E-PL3, als JPG (damals hatte ich mich an RAW noch nicht herangetraut); gestern habe ich dann bei der Neubearbeitung noch ordentlich in die digitale Filterkiste gegriffen :) Ich wünsche Euch einen schönen Rest-Sonntag und einen guten Wochenstart!


From my weekly bouquet...


For the theme "White and wonderful" of the Group "Looking Close on Friday"

The white stork (Ciconia ciconia) is a large bird in the stork family Ciconiidae.

Narcissus Flower White Daffodil

Pelargonium zonale


São Bento do Sapucaí, São Paulo, Brazil.

some high key impression of a wonderful walk through the snow

Kehoe Beach, Inverness, CA

white volcanic rock at Sarakiniko Beach Milos, Greece

#Lookingclose...onFriday! #WhiteandRed

#FlickrFriday #Bottles

"Looking close... on Friday!"

Our garden 1st June 2021

The White-crowned Sparrow is a large sparrow with a small bill and a long tail. The head can look distinctly peaked or smooth and flat, depending on the bird’s attitude.

Chrysanthemum "White Spider"

aka White Spider Mums


Thank-you to all my Flickr friends and visitors, for taking the time to view and acknowledge my photography.


I appreciate your visits & kind words of support.

~Christie by the River


**Best experienced in full screen

A white-necked Jacobin displaying nicely.

Coyote Hills Regional Park, Fremont, California

A new arrival. Backyard Isle Lake

White Helleborine (Cephalanthera damasonium) revisited. A beautiful but quite rare orchid in the West of England and the plant is classed as vulnerable and threatened in the UK. Bath, BANES, England. Close-up images on the left were taken with Canon EF100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM, a bigger picture on the right was taken with Sigma 24 mm f1.4 ART lens at f2.

Entrance into the world of white shadows......

Red and white are the colors of Bulgarian martenitsa. It is a small ornament (usually a bracelet or a brooch), which all the Bulgarians tie around their wrists or clip on their clothes each year on March 1st for health and good luck.

Looking close...on Friday.

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