View allAll Photos Tagged yellow
texture by lenabemanna
our last heatwave of the year is upon us . and blessed rain soon .. i dislike the browns of August , but i love the flowers
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Happy Saturday
Explore #410 October 4, 2008
While I was walking along, this bird flew in and settled nearby, across a water ditch (so it was feeling pretty safe). It sat there and seemed to watch me for a few minutes, while I was taking photos and flew away when it was ready. Very nice experience.
Caught this little buzzer moments before he flew away. Taken at the English Gardens in Assiniboine Park.
A much cooler weekend for us here but the heat is turning up again by tomorrow. Happy Sunday!! :)
These flowers are very common now, they are wild ones. If you click on it you will see details. Have a great day wherever you are and thank you so much for the visit. :)
A shot of an Yellow Iris up against the blue sky. Took this shot in the late afternoon on a bright clear day.
yellow tulip field at a "Tulip" show in Berlin's Britzer Garten, from my archive. Happy Easter greetings!
©This photo is the property of Helga Bruchmann. Please do not use my photos for sharing, printing or for any other purpose without my written permission. Thank you!
Quinces from our garden (only a small part of our harvest!). They'll be jelly soon! ;-) Have a nice weekend!
More info about the plant/fruit here (Wikipedia),
More quinces here.
The Rose
Texas history is full of legend and lore. One such tale is the "Yellow Rose of Texas" - a legend commemorated in song.
Listen to the song...a real oldie!!!
But is there such a rose?
To answer the questions, "Is there a Yellow Rose of Texas?" and if so "What is it?", the answer is there was a "Yellow Rose." But it was not a "what" it was a "who" - Emily West Morgan.
It follows, then, that we ask "Is there a rose named in honor of Emily and her heroic act?" Although a possibility, probably not
(*For more info:
One from the archives for Sliders Sunday :-)
Detail of a sculpture named Luizaerc (2012, Nick Ervinck)