Learning and training
The IAEA offers a wide spectrum of learning and training activities, as well as educational resources and capacity-building programmes. These include face-to-face training courses and workshops, fellowship programmes and schools on various nuclear-related topics. The IAEA also offers more than 120 online learning courses and webinars, from beginner to expert level, which can be accessed after registering with the Agency’s Nucleus portal (registration and login accessible when choosing a specific online course).
1.3 KMAV for Nuclear Education Providers
The webinar will provide an overview of the Knowledge Management Assist Visit (KMAV) methodology developed by the IAEA to develop a sustainable national nuclear education system and to appraise existing programmes to provide examples of best practice and suggest improvements.The webinar will prov
16-20 October 2023, Regional Training Course on Advanced Medical Preparedness and Response to Radiation Emergencies, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,
The purpose of the event is to train the participants on the medical management and response in case of radiation emergency. The course is mainly based on EPR-Medical 2005.
2 – 6 October 2023, Regional Training Course on Preparedness and Response for a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency Involving the Transport of Radioactive Material, San José, Costa Rica
The training course consists of lectures, work sessions, and exercises. By the end of the course, the participants will understand and be able to implement knowledge related to arrangement of EPR during transport of nuclear and radiological material.
2.2 Building Junior Networks
This webinar will provide an overview of global initiatives undertaken to reach out to the next generation, inform and inspire young minds on Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) and education in nuclear science and engineering.Presenters will share their experience in introducing
26 June-7 July 2023, Latvia National Training Course on First Response to Radiological Emergencies
This training course provides practical guidance for those responding within the first few hours of a radiological emergency. This includes the emergency service personnel who would initially respond at the local level and the national officials who would support this early response.
3.3 New Publication - Methodology to Determine Critical Knowledge in Nuclear Organizations
*: Nuclear organizations managing their corporate knowledge assets must make an objective analysis in order to determine the knowledge they must manage over the lifecycle. In this age of knowledge, the competitiveness and the future of nuclear organizations, are becoming more and more dependent
A concise introduction to the Safeguards Legal Framework
Safeguards Microlearning series:States undertake to accept safeguards on the basis of international treaties that make up the legal framework for IAEA safeguards, including the IAEA Statute and safeguards agreements between States and the IAEA.
A short history of IAEA Safeguards
Safeguards Microlearning series:Join us on a journey through time, which was first presented at the IAEA Safeguards Symposium 2022.
Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Radiocarbon Dating for Heritage and Forensic Science
The objective of the course is to provide a comprehensive proficiency on Accelerator Mass spectrometry (AMS) radiocarbon dating technique and its applications in the field of Heritage and Forensic Sciences.
Action Plan Against Quarantine Fruit Fly Species of the Genus Batrocera spp.
The course is based on the harmonized procedures manual for the eradication of outbreaks of invasive fruit fly species of the Genus Batrocera.
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