Drafts of the Indicators for the Strategic Plan for Migratory Species

There are presently no drafts available for consultation


COP11 adopted the Strategic Plan for Migratory Species 2015-2023. The Strategic Plan can be found in Annex 1 to Resolution 11.2. In adopting the Strategic Plan, COP11 acknowledged the need for additional inter-sessional work to strengthen the suite of materials to support implementation of the Strategic Plan, including:

a)      indicators for the Strategic Plan for Migratory Species, drawing as far as possible from existing work, such as that under the global Biodiversity Indicators Partnership; and

b)      a Companion Volume on Implementation for the new Strategic Plan, based on available tools, to provide guidance on implementation of the Plan.
COP11 also decided to extend the mandate of the Strategic Plan Working Group to include the tasks of elaborating the indicators and Companion Volume during the triennium 2015-2017.