The added value and applicability of the Migratory Species Strategic Plan will depend highly on its relevance for national, regional and global policy-making regarding conservation of migratory species. It is therefore of high importance to ensure full participation of Parties and other stakeholders through global outreach and intensive consultations throughout the development of the Strategic Plan, to help shape the content of the new Plan.
Engagement of Parties and stakeholders in the development of the Strategic Plan is being encouraged as follows:
- Parties representing their regions, as well as CMS partners such as biodiversity-related Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) and non-governmental organizations are participating through the Working Group on the Strategic Plan.
- Wide and intensive consultations on drafts of the Strategic Plan are being undertaken to allow for close involvement of all Parties but also of all CMS instruments, other stakeholders and other MEAs.
- The issue is being raised at all possible occasions, in particular in the margins of relevant planned MEA meetings, for example by Working Group members, individual Parties, the Secretariats in the CMS Family or other interested stakeholders, to engage Parties either individually or through back-to-back meetings.
- Communication and outreach material on the development of the draft Strategic Plan is provided below, and all Parties and other interested stakeholders are encouraged to participate in this awareness-raising exercise.
- Expert meetings and/or regional meetings are being held where possible to support the Working Group members when consulting their regions, for example, the 1 November 2013 Regional Consultation Meeting for African National Focal Points of CMS on the development of the Strategic Plan for Migratory Species 2015-2023.
Having a transparent process is very important for the success of this process. The views of all Parties and other stakeholders are highly welcome throughout the process in order to ensure optimal involvement in the development of the new Strategic Plan.
Outreach and communication material
Below are:
- A Power Point Presentation explaining the role of CMS, the threat to and value of migratory species, and the Second Draft Strategic Plan for Migratory Species
- A short Summary Report outlining the proposed approach to encourage Parties and other stakeholder engagement in the development of the new Plan.